
Chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby
Chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby

chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby
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  2. Chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby professional#

He first shows off his car before inviting Nick to lunch with him. One morning in July, Gatsby stops by Nick’s house. Nick then shows off a time table he made of all the people that visited Gatsby’s parties that summer. In the beginning of the chapter, Nick hears more gossip about Gatsby from a group of women, how he is a bootlegger who killed man and is second cousin to the devil. Near the end of the chapter, Nick talks about how his feelings for Jordan are developing, and he thinks he is beginning to fall in love with her, even though she is dishonest and lies. When they finish, Jordan tells Nick that she learned some news. Gatsby’s butler makes a startling appearance, asking Jordan Baker if she could talk to Gatsby alone. Gatsby leaves shortly after meeting Nick to take a phone call from Chicago. Nick starts a conversation with a familiar looking man, who he finds out not only served in the same division in the war together, but is also Jay Gatsby. They leave Owl Eyes and go to the garden to search.

Chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby full#

Owl Eyes talks about how he has been drunk for at least a week, but says how the library is full of real books. Instead, they run into a little man with enormous glasses, who Nick calls “Owl Eyes”.

chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby

Jordan and Nick leave this group and decide to try and find the infamous Gatsby. Some of the rumors is how he was a spy for Germany during World War 1, or that he once killed a man in cold blood. They find a group with two girls and three men, all who gossip about Gatsby. While there, Nick runs into Jordan Baker, who lost in the finals the week before the party. Nick is one of the few to be invited to one of these parties, and he is invited by Gatsby’s chauffeur, who brings a invitation from Gatsby to his front door. Many of them have not even met Gatsby before, and are just attending to be at the party. Guests come from all over, whether they were invited or not. The chapter begins with Nick’s description of Gatsby’s Saturday night parties. The entire group begins to be very drunk, and Myrtle begins to taunt Tom by chanting Daisy’s name over and over again. Nick tries to leave several times, but just keeps getting sucked in. The group begins gossiping about Jay Gatsby, where Catherine claims that he is somehow related to Kaiser Wilhelm. Myrtle and Tom throw a large party, inviting the McKees, who live in the apartment, and Myrtle’s sister Catherine. They meet up later and buy a dog before heading up to there apartment in New York.

chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby

Wilson that he wants to meet her and to get on the next train. Tom and George begin talking about George buying Tom’s car until they are interrupted by Mrs. Tom takes him first to a garage owned by George Wilson. Tom is taking Nick to meet his “mistress”, or the women he is having a affair with. The chapter begins with a description of the valley of ashes, and the eyes of Doctor T. As the chapter ends, Nick sees Gatsby for the first time looking out towards a green light across the lake. After dinner, Jordan mentions Gatsby for the first time, which Nick realizes is the man in the giant mansion he is living next to. At dinner, Tom leaves to answer a call, which Jordan decides to tell Nick that the women calling was the one Tom was having a affair with.

Chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby professional#

At dinner Nick meets Jordan Baker, who we learn is a professional golfer. Nick gets invited by his second cousin once removed, Daisy, and her husband Tom to have dinner.

chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby

The West Egg is where the people that just became rich live, compared to the East Egg where people who have been rich all their life lives. Afterward, he heads East to learn the bond business, and ends up settling in New York in the West Egg. Nick has served in the military for the first World War, or the Great War as he calls it. He’s been grown up to believe in not pre judging people. The chapter starts off with giving some background information on Nick Carrayway and we learn of his morals.

Chapter 6 symbols in the great gatsby